Did you volunteer as a Room Parent?  Are you a Teacher looking for a quick game?  Wanting to know what’s in our PTO Closet for use at school events?  You've come to the right spot!  


Browse below for party supplies, ideas and resources Heritage PTO has available.  If you'd like to use any of these, please contact our Outreach Coordinator (heritageptooutreach@gmail.com).



PTO Supplies


  Food Storage

   Gift Bags

Office Supplies


Raffle Supplies

Valentines Craft

Valentines Craft - Robot x 20

Valentines Craft - Wreath


Valentines Game   x 2

Valentines Golf

Valentines Plates & Napkins

Valentines Decor


Winter Game - Penguin Bowling

Winter Game - Santa Golf


Halloween Crafts


Space Theme Decor


Sports Theme Decor

Sports Theme Decor

Popcorn Machine


Skeleton Toss


Halloween Bingo

Ring Toss

Halloween Toss

Mummy Bowling


Valentine Bingo

Valentine Toss

Valentine Plinko

Valentine Plinko 

Valentine Flower Pot Craft

Valentine Flower Pot Craft x 9


 Valentine Headband Craft Supplies

Make Your Own Headband Craft Supplies


Placemat Craft

Placemat Craft x 24


Snowball Toss

Snowball Toss 



 Bumble Bean Toss

Bumble Bean Bag Toss


Pizza Craft

Pizza Craft x 10


Clear Beads

Clear Craft Beads    2 bags x 620


Fun Loop Loom

Fun Loop Loom with Instructions






If you are a room parent, please be sure that you are accessing your Teachers' "Community Board" to easily communicate with others in the classroom.  You can also join the Heritage PTO Room Parents Facebook group here for ideas from other Room Parents. 


